Friday 14 December 2012

First edit of Shots 2 to 8

This is the first edit we have done of Shots 2 to 8:

Because of the issue we had with the lighting, we decided to film shots 2 to 8 first as they were required to be filmed outside and we got a one-off chance to take time off school to film. After editing these shots, we showed our Media Studies teacher in order to gain Feedback.

We were advised to use more close ups and also to use a range of different shots from different angles. He also suggested using static shots instead of using camera movements. Also, we were told not to use a shot for longer than two seconds.

The editing stating “two weeks ago” was seen as inappropriate. This is because my teacher felt that the Font size was too big and Font style wasn’t right for the slow, ballad-like song. He also thought that red wasn’t suitable and said that removing this editing and portraying this in a narrative way would be better.

Below is this scene edited based on the feedback that we received:

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Problems we encountered

Because of the time of year, by the time we finished school and reached our filiming location, it would be starting to get dark. This meant that our film quality would be affected.

We therefore experimented using flashlights at different angles, to see if this would better the quality of our video. However, as we experienced, this did not help. Below is a short video inlcuding our experiments.

To solve this issue, we were granted permission to go off-site and film at out Location in Southgate during our Media Studies lessons which takes place in the morning and it would therefore mean that it is light outside.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Production Schedule

The production schedule which we initially planned did not work. This is because of various factors.

Firstly, we had the re-film shots 2 to 8, which we did on January 13th.

Next, our actress, Hilary Arredondo, started a new job which required her to work during the day. Consequently, we had to film later on in the day where some days we filmed up to midnight. Also, through this, her schedule was extremely busy and we had to check with her each week for when she was free as her rota was produced weekly.

Also, on one of the days that we had planned to film, Hakan got ill which meant that we had to reschedule a day to film this scene (Phone conversation). So that we didn’t waste time, we used this day to film a performance part of Hilary’s as we didn’t need Hakan for this.

Furthermore, we had underestimated the time required to film each section, especially for the performance scenes. This meant that we ran over time and, on the times where we had planned to film two days in a row, we were all too tired to do so.

However, through all these difficulties, we still managed to film on time, even if it meant filming until very late at night.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Location Reports

Sydney's Restaurant:

Sydney's is a restaurant located in Southgate. We chose to ask this restaurant as it is local and would therefore be easy to get to. It is also a nicely decorated and lighted restaurant. Therefore, we called the restaurant and explained that we were A2 Media Students and described what we wanted to do and when we would prefer to do it. They then agreed to let us film there.

Groveland's Park:

Groveland's Park is again situated in Southgate which would therefore mean that it is easily accessible. Consequently, we would be able visit it often if we needed to re-film as we have two scenes in the music video which are set here.


Southgate is a local area to both of our group members. It would mean that filming would be easy and the location also matches what we had in mind when drawing our storyboard. The particular road where we decided to film isnt busy which is an advantage because otherwise filming would be slightly more challenging.

Friday 23 November 2012

Casting Notes

Name: Hilary Arredondo
Age: 22
Role: Main female character

We chose Hilary to play this role because she has had experience in front of a camera before as she does modelling and would therefore not be as shy as someone who has never been in front of a camera before.She fits our target audience as she is in her early 20s. Also, she is a beautiful girl which is a common feature of RnB music videos.

Name: Hakan Aydan
Age: 22
Role: Main male character

As Hilary's partner, we believed it would be a good idea to use Hakan as the main male character. This would make acting easier and more comfortable for the couple. Also, Hakan fits our target audience because he is attractive and young. In addition, he has done GCSE drama which would be useful when acting.

This is the couple we will be using for our music video. We chose them as it would be easy to communicate with them due to the fact that Hilary Arredondo is related to a member of our group (Beatriz Arredondo). Also, because they are a loving couple, we thought that it may be less of a challenge for them to act out the scenes as opposed to two actors that are not a couple. 

Costume Ideas

We thought of costume ideas for the different scenes and/or shots so that when we film it, we will have an idea of what we want our characters to look like. Our ideas are shared below.

Changes to the song timing

We attended a study day, based around the production of music videos, at the BFI in Southwark. Here, we were advised to keep our song short, with a maximum time limit of approximately three minutes. We realised that our song was a lot longer than three minutes at just over four and a half minutes. To solve this issue, we decided to cut our song in order to make the length shorter. We felt that the perfect timing to cut the song was at 03:13, where we faded the song out.
Also, we were instructed not to have too many different locations. To follow this order, we decided to change location of the scene where Hakan proposes to Hilary. We will film it at Grovelands Park, where we will also film shots 16 to 20. Therefore, we will have one less location which is a positive result.

In addition, we were told that close ups are an essential part of music videos. Therefore, we will be attempting to include many more close ups of our main characters, especially Hilary.

Our Film Treatment

We decided to record our film treatment and you can watch it below:

Also included, are the notes which we used to guide us in what we said...

To get an idea of what other Media Studies students thought of our Film treatment, we asked 3 of them to watch it and comment on one improvement that could be made. Their comments are shown below.
We decided to ask Media Studies students specifically as they are the ones that fit our target audience and have knowledge of what our music video should contain.

The Animatic

Shared below is our animatic:

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Our Rnb Music Video Survey Results & Analysis

As we attend a girl's school, it was difficult to approach males and question them in time. Therefore, we used alternative ways to get their opinions across. We used applications such as 'Whatsapp' and various other forms of communication. Some examples are shown below.

1. Whatsapp


2. Facebook messenger

3. Text messaging

Analysis of the Survey Results:


Our RnB Music Video Survey

Below is an example of the survey we used to question our target audience. We tried to aim it as accurately as possible when handing them out, which will be described in our results.
Our target audience are the younger generation with ages ranging from 16-25. This is because they would be the people who can mostly relate to the lyrics in Beyonce's Brown eyes song - the beginning stages of a relationship.

An example of our Survey:

Monday 19 November 2012


Please note that the two previous posts refer to the initial storyboard and some of the updated storyboards.

 However, due to feedback we gained from our target audience (of the film treatment) and to better our music video, we made further changes to these storyboards.

Consequently, you will experience that our final piece differs, in certain areas, from our storyboards.

Updated storyboard

 We have made some changed to the initial storyboards. Below our images of our updated storyboards.


After getting all our ideas together and sending off the permission letter, we started planning our shots out on the storyboards shown below. The storyboards are ordered by number on the top, ranging from 1 to 4a.

Please note: we crossed out two shots on Storyboard 1a. This is because we drew the shots before matching the timing to it. When it came to deciding on how long to film the shot for, we realised that we'd have to make that particular area of the storyboard shorter in order to match the lyrics.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Beyoncé's history

To gain a greater understanding of Beyoncé's work and music, we researched into her History. We saw how she has changed and all of this successes.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Research of RnB Music Videos

We analysed RnB music videos that were similar to that of our song choice 'brown eyes', this is presented below.

Friday 16 November 2012

Letter to Sony Music Entertainment

Before we started producing our music video, we wrote a letter to Sony Music Entertainment - the recording label of Beyonce's song 'Brown Eyes', asking for permission. The letter stated as follows:

Sony Music Entertainment
9 Derry Street London
Greater London
W8 5HY

09th November 2012

St Anne’s Catholic High School
Oakthorpe Road
N13 5TY


 Dear Sir/Madam,

 We are writing with regards to Beyoncé Knowles’ song Brown eyes. As A2 Media Studies students at Saint Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls, we have been given the task to produce a music video for a song of our choice.

As a group, we have decided to use ‘Brown Eyes’ as the song to our music video and ask for your permission to do so.

Yours Sincerely,



Beatriz Arredondo and Roshani Perera.

Mood Board

With inspiration from our initial ideas, along with further ideas, we created a mood board.